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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Attends a Gathering of Persons with Disabilities with the Prime Minister

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Gathering of Persons with Disabilities with the Prime Minister
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a borderless art museum
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Gathering of Persons with Disabilities with the Prime Minister

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Gathering of Persons with Disabilities with the Prime Minister

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a borderless art museum

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a borderless art museum

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister interacting with persons with disabilities 2

The Prime Minister attended a gathering of persons with disabilities held in the South Garden of the Prime Minister's Office.

The purpose of the gathering was to demonstrate the everyday activities of people with disabilities, such as arts and crafts or employment initiatives, and for the Prime Minister to converse with persons with disabilities.

The Prime Minister observed the booths set up at each facility in the South Garden, and then conversed with persons with disabilities.

The Prime Minister said in his address,

"Today persons with disabilities from various places across Japan or active in various fields have come to the garden of the Prime Minister's Office.
It was just about 20 years ago that the two new concepts of normalization and barrier-free were introduced as measures for persons with disabilities. These concepts promote the idea that we should create a Japan in which both those with and without disabilities can have the same chances and live normally.
To this end we are continuing to eliminate various issues and obstacles. This does not just concern physical things; we are also working to eliminate psychological barriers. Twenty years have passed since then. We have made progress on physical issues, and we can perhaps say that we have finally seen a change in the way the people of Japan think as well.
However, for people with disabilities, it is still hard to work and live their daily lives. I believe that there are many obstacles related to this.
The Abe administration wants to create a vibrant Japan in which everyone, including persons with disabilities, has a chance. I believe that the beautiful Japan that we are aiming to create is one where everyone can live comfortably."

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