Home >  News >  The Prime Minister in Action >  May 2013 >  Submission of Proposal by the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

The Prime Minister in Action

Submission of Proposal by the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a proposal of the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a proposal of the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a proposal of the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a proposal of the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a proposal of the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a proposal from the Public-Private Council for the Promotion of TICAD V (Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development) at the Prime Minister's Office.

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