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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Receives a Courtesy Call from the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Friday, May 17, 2013

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer
  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe receiving a courtesy call from the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe receiving a courtesy call from the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe receiving a courtesy call from the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, Mr. Andrew Scheer

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a courtesy call from Mr. Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada, at the Prime Minister's Office.

The Prime Minister said in his address,

"Japan and Canada share very close and friendly relations. You have come to Japan, and I, for my part, will also strive to further deepen the relations between our governments and parliaments."


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