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Industrial Competitiveness Council
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council 2
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the seventh meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council at the Prime Minister's Office.
Discussion took place on the reinforcement of human resources capabilities, the reform of the employment system, the realization of a society of good health and longevity, local resources (including the expansion of agricultural exports and strengthening of competitiveness).
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said in his address,
"My three keywords when thinking about growth strategy are 'challenge,' 'open,' and 'innovation.' Related to 'human resources and employment,' 'society of good health and longevity,' and 'local resources,' which are the themes today, I want to develop specific policies based on these three viewpoints.
Concerning the reinforcement of human resources capabilities, I want to facilitate universities that create a great number of human resources that are full of creativity and can work internationally. From this viewpoint, it is crucial to strengthen evaluation systems and have a thoroughly non-uniform allocation of subsidies for operating expenses. The next three years will be 'a period of reform acceleration' in which we will thoroughly reform national universities.
With regard to a society of good health and longevity, related to the enhancement of medical industry innovation and international development, I want to specify the establishment of a Japanese version of the National Institute of Health (NIH). Based on the use of the core organization for international medical cooperation established today, I want to encourage specific efforts in the private sector. I myself want to make efforts to promote medical industry sales.
I also hope to direct efforts toward promoting the prevention of illness and nursing care, and the creation of a medical industry that does not rely on public insurance. I wish to proceed with the development of a system in which consumers can select services with peace of mind and businesses can participate in projects with peace of mind. Furthermore, I want to specify incentive measures in order to promote initiatives for the prevention of disease and nursing care.
Accelerating farmland consolidation and the eradication of land that is not being cultivated, along with the expansion of the scale of agricultural operations, are major issues for the enhancement of agricultural competitiveness. I hope to establish an intermediate management organization at the prefectural level to adjust and consolidate dispersed agricultural land. I want to make full use of that land. Concerning the export of agricultural and fisheries goods, I want to promote a specific export strategy for each country and commodity.
In regard to tourism, we have received over 10 million visitors. I want to aim for 20 million visitors by having the Government, municipalities and the private sector work as one, and by enhancing strategic initiatives. We will consider the relaxation of visa conditions with a focus on Southeast Asia, where there is a growing middle class. In addition, I believe that we must offer the maximum extent of collaboration for Cool Japan strategy initiatives such as the acquisition of airtime overseas, and work to improve the brand value of Japan."