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Welcome Party of the New Economy Summit 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the welcome party of the New Economy Summit 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the welcome party of the New Economy Summit 2013
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the welcome party of the New Economy Summit 2013 held at a hotel in Tokyo.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"As I have said to those who came to the Prime Minister's Office today, despite the impression held by some that the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan is strongly affiliated with the 'old economy' rather than the 'new economy,' I would like to make clear that that is not the case.
The Abe administration promotes the 'three prongs' of economic, fiscal, and monetary policies. They are: 'bold monetary policy,' 'flexible fiscal policy,' and, very importantly, a 'growth strategy' that encourages private sector investment. The focus of the 'growth strategy' is on industries which will pave the way for a new era.
I believe it is our mission to see to it that a smooth transition of the workforce takes place from the so-called mature industries to these new industries. Simultaneously, I believe it is also our mission to foster such talents and support this effort.
With regard to creating a pool of global talents, this matter was just discussed by the Education Rebuilding Implementation Council of the Government. Regarding why global talents must be fostered, this is precisely because the economy is becoming increasingly global, and in a global economy, Japan can neither compete without a global workforce nor can its economy grow.
Our goal is to turn Japan into the easiest country for companies to conduct their activities in. We are convinced that by turning Japan into the easiest country in which those of you gathered here today, and everyone like you, can carry out your activities, Japan will be able to gain a bright future.
I believe we are being tested to see if we can indeed realize this. I believe in a few months' time, you will be convinced that we will achieve this for sure.
In this sense as well, I expect that this summit will be very fruitful. I would like Mr. Hiroshi Mikitani to continue to stir up debate without holding back, and for those of you here today to offer a variety of advice.
I hope those of you who have come from the United States will enjoy your time in Japan and actively invest in Japan. We will definitely foster the talents that you deem necessary, so I urge you to make Japan a hub for expanding your businesses. With this request, I would like to conclude my speech."