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Liaison Council of Government and Ruling and Opposition Parties Institutions for Measures against Abduction Issue
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Liaison Council of Government and Ruling and Opposition Parties Institutions for Measures against Abduction Issue 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Liaison Council of Government and Ruling and Opposition Parties Institutions for Measures against Abduction Issue 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Liaison Council of Government and Ruling and Opposition Parties Institutions for Measures against Abduction Issue 2
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the second meeting of the Liaison Council of Government and Ruling and Opposition Parties Institutions for Measures against Abduction Issue at the Prime Minister's Office.
In his address, the Prime Minister said,
"I feel that the provocative actions of North Korea have reached a level at which they are difficult to tolerate.
At times like this, it is vital that we coordinate with other countries to take action that will make North Korea thoroughly recognize that they will gain nothing through provocations.
In any case, the Government is making every effort to call on each country, and whenever I participate in a summit meeting, I always request the understanding and support of the leaders of each nation on the abduction issue.
In addition, I am also asking those countries that maintain relations with North Korea for any cooperation that they can offer based on their own standpoint.
It will be difficult to resolve this issue through the work of the Government alone. I believe that it will be significant for the ruling and opposition parties to work as one and continue to undertake initiatives using this kind of collaboration. I ask for everyone's cooperation with this."