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Japan-Latvia Summit Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis
Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis
Photograph of the Japan-Latvia Summit Meeting
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia, at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"I understand this is your first visit to Japan. On behalf of our country, I would like to welcome you to Japan.
Your country, situated at the pivotal intersection of Europe and Russia, is a vital partner for Japan.
Over the past two decades, your country has taken steady steps towards democratization and making the transition to a market economy, and, as a member of the European Union, your country has continued to grow. I would like to once again express my respect for your country's endeavors.
I hope that with this visit to Japan our bilateral relations will be further deepened."