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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Visits Iwate Prefecture

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister sampling <i>wakame</i> seaweed

Photograph of the Prime Minister sampling wakame seaweed

Photograph of the Prime Minister sampling <i>wakame</i> seaweed

Photograph of the Prime Minister sampling wakame seaweed

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister sampling <i>wakame</i> seaweed
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the coastal levee in Taro District
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a district expected to be included in a group relocation program for disaster mitigation and a land readjustment program, among other programs
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a fishery processing plant
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people affected by the disaster and others
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Mayor of Yamada Town, Mr. Shinitsu Sato

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the coastal levee in Taro District

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the coastal levee in Taro District

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a district expected to be included in a group relocation program for disaster mitigation and a land readjustment program, among other programs

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a district expected to be included in a group relocation program for disaster mitigation and a land readjustment program, among other programs

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a fishery processing plant

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a fishery processing plant

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a shipbuilding company 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people affected by the disaster and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people affected by the disaster and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Mayor of Yamada Town, Mr. Shinitsu Sato

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Mayor of Yamada Town, Mr. Shinitsu Sato

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Iwate Prefecture to gauge the progress of the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

First, the Prime Minister visited a coastal levee in Taro District in Miyako City. After offering a silent prayer, the Prime Minister observed the extent of the damage and a district expected to be included in a group relocation program for disaster mitigation and a land readjustment program, among other programs.

Then, the Prime Minister visited a fish market. After receiving an explanation on the progress of the reconstruction of an ice-making facility and the fishery industry, the Prime Minister observed the boiling and processing of wakame seaweed.

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister moved to Yamada Town in Shimohei County and visited a shipbuilding company which had established a hub in the disaster-stricken area.

Lastly, the Prime Minister moved to the Central Community Hall in Yamada Town and exchanged views with people affected by the disaster, among others.

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