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Tokyo Tower Blue Lighting Ceremony
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Tokyo Tower Blue Lighting Ceremony
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Tokyo Tower Blue Lighting Ceremony
Photograph of the Prime Minister pressing the button to turn on the blue lights
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the Tokyo Tower Blue Lighting Ceremony.
The Prime Minister said in his opening address,
"Today is World Autism Awareness Day. The Tokyo Tower is lit up with blue lights. I am very pleased to see the opening of such a grand event even in spite of the rain.
Last year, 3,000 locations in 50 countries were lit up at once for this day. This year as well, many places around Japan are being lit up in blue at the same time.
In joining this global movement today, we are saying let us join together and think deeply on awareness of autism, a disorder about which there is still insufficient understanding.
There is unfortunately still work to be done with regard to understanding of those with autism and their families. Today, the efforts of everyone concerned have gained the understanding of those managing Tokyo Tower, and led to the tower being lit up in blue again this year.
I want to use this opportunity to continue creating a society throughout the world in which those with disabilities can live with peace of mind.
There are many people in attendance today from the Government, the Diet, and many citizens of Tokyo. I hope we can all continue to strengthen our solidarity through this effort to light up Tokyo Tower together. Let us continue to cooperate thoroughly on the creation of a society that is easy to live in for everyone with a disability. My congratulations on the lighting up of Tokyo Tower today."