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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Receives a Request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture and others

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 1

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 1

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 1

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 1

  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 1
  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 2

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 2

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe hearing a request from the Governor of Fukui Prefecture, Mr. Issei Nishikawa 2

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a request from Mr. Issei Nishikawa, Governor of Fukui Prefecture and others at the Prime Minister's Office.

In his address, the Prime Minister said,

"I would like to first express my gratitude for the region, dealing with the nuclear power plant for forty years, and doing so, putting efforts into ensuring safety, which had certainly assisted the energy policy.
Although the goal to reduce nuclear power plants to zero by 2030 was upheld by the time the Democratic Party of Japan led the government, the Abe administration decided to reconsider this goal from the start.
At any rate, we are willing to create responsible energy policy.
Regarding safety, the Nuclear Regulation Authority will make sufficient consideration from a scientific standpoint, create strict rules, and make judgments on restart. The final decision will be made ultimately with the responsibility of the government.
If restart is to be decided, the government will take responsibility in explaining it to the local residents.
Further, the issue of the nuclear fuel cycle is an issue for the entire world that must be resolved.
As the Governor has pointed out, Japan has the world's most advanced technology also in this area. I believe that Japan must put in effort with the pride that Japan will lead the world by utilizing this technology.
Regarding the Shinkansen (bullet train), although I would like to ask for guidance from the Governor and other people here, it has an extremely large effect. It has economic ripple effects in the regions, and also serves an important role in terms of inviting tourists from the world to Japan.
It is also meaningful as a means of transportation to reduce CO2.
I would like to try making steady progress, of course including the opening of Kanazawa Station by FY2014."

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