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Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization
Friday, January 25, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization 2
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the third meeting of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization at the Prime Minister's Office.
Discussion took place on the policy of formulation of the growth strategy and other matters.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said in his address,
"In the first meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council, the experts expressed severe views on issues that the industries and economy of Japan are currently facing, and I keenly felt the urgency of the situation.
I am thinking that the Growth Strategy should be carried forward from the following five perspectives.
One is the innovation of the entire society, including regulatory reform, technological development, and renovation of companies and industries.
Second is the thorough globalization of human resources, industries and others.
Third is building a society wherein everyone can participate in their own role, including women, young people and the elderly.
Fourth is establishing a mechanism to increase wealth derived from the advantage of Japan in the area of agriculture.
Fifth is establishing the world's most advanced industry infrastructure including energy and IT.
The role of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization is to ensure the speed and implementation of realizing the policies. The government's unified efforts should be started at once, and as the first step to be taken, I will give specific instructions to relevant Cabinet members as I have handed out.
We would like to discuss the results of consideration also in the Industrial Competitiveness Council, and decided in this headquarters together on specific political reactions, in rapid succession.
I would like to ask the relevant Cabinet members to consider policies on different dimensions, without being obligated by past discussions and ideas. With close cooperation with Mr. Akira Amari, Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization, I expect serious and prompt efforts by the relevant Cabinet members."