Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > January 2013 > The Seventh Meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria
The Seventh Meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria
Friday, January 25, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 2
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the seventh meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria at the Prime Minister's Office.
At the beginning of the meeting, a silent prayer for the victims in this incident was offered. Then, the Prime Minister said,
"I received a report from Mr. Shunichi Suzuki, the special envoy of the Prime Minister, that the bodies of the nine Japanese nationals who lost their lives have returned to Japan.
Thinking of the agony of the family members, I would like to once again express my heartfelt condolences to the victims, on behalf of the government.
I would like to ask for your support so that one other person, who is confirmed to have lost his life, can return to Japan, his homeland, at the earliest possible date.
Since the occurrence of the terrorist incident in Algeria, the government has been gathering and consolidating information by putting top priority on ensuring the safety of people's lives, and has been making every effort to confirm the safety of and rescue Japanese nationals, in cooperation with relevant countries. However, this incident resulted in ten Japanese nationals, who were working at the forefront of the world, losing their lives, which is utterly a matter of great regret.
The government of Japan resolutely condemns the group of terrorists who incited this despicable terrorist act.
I would like you all to continuously cooperate with the international community to fight against terrorism.
In addition, in order to protect the safety of companies and Japanese nationals working at the forefront of the world, I ask you to examine this incident under the Chief Cabinet Secretary, and to act promptly to take necessary measures by uniting the efforts of the government."