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The Prime Minister Receives a Courtesy Call from Representatives of the Ship for World Youth (SWY) Program
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the representatives of the youths participating in the SWY program and giving words of encouragement to them
Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the representatives of the youths participating in the SWY program and giving words of encouragement to them
Photograph of the representatives of the youths participating in the SWY program
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address to the representatives of the youths participating in the SWY program
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a courtesy call from representatives of youth participants of the 25th Ship for World Youth (SWY) program at the Prime Minister's Office.
The SWY program is one of the international youth exchange programs of the Government of Japan. It aims to expand the global perspectives of the youths of Japan, to promote mutual understanding and friendship among the youths of Japan and nations abroad, and to heighten the spirit of international cooperation and enhance the ability to put the spirit into practice, thereby nurturing youths capable of providing leadership in various fields in the international community.
A total of approximately 210 youths from 11 nations are participating in this year's program. Together, they will engage in exchange activities on board and in countries of destination ports during the period from early February to late February.
After shaking hands with each representative, the Prime Minister said in his address,
"This program will mark its 25th anniversary this year. I think this will be an opportunity to develop mutual understanding, and to understand and respect that there are different values and various cultures in the world.
In fact, I had also welcomed the participants of the SWY here as the Prime Minister six years ago.
Young people who were participating at that time actually exerted valuable efforts in charity events held throughout the world at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred two years ago.
Ms. Mori, the Minister in charge today, is from Fukushima, the disaster-stricken area.
We can never forget the fact that friendships established six years ago were demonstrated in the form of good faith two years ago in such a way.
By participating in this SWY program, I would like you to develop friendships with people from many countries, and at the same time deepen understanding of and exchange with the culture and people in Japan.
After this program is finished and you go back to your countries, I expect you to become leaders there, and to serve an active role as a bridge with Japan."