Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > January 2013 > Meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria
Meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria
Monday, January 21, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria 2
In the evening, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the sixth meeting of the Response Headquarters for the Japanese Nationals Abducted in Algeria at the Prime Minister's Office.
In the meeting, the Prime Minister said,
"Regarding the terrorist attacks in Algeria, I received a report from Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Minoru Kiuchi currently in Algeria that the victims' bodies brought to the hospital in In Am?nas, Algeria, were the seven employees of JGC Corporation whose safety was being confirmed.
It is utterly a matter of great regret that Japanese nationals working at the forefront of the world, who are totally innocent, lost their lives. I am speechless when imagining the feelings of the family members of those who lost their lives.
I would like to ask each member to implement as much support as possible as the government, including the use of the government plane and support in Algeria, so that those who lost their lives can return to Japan, their home country, and be with their family members.
There are still three Japanese nationals whose safety is yet to be confirmed.
I would like to ask each member to make every effort in further gathering of information and confirming their safety.
Such despicable terrorist acts that involve innocent citizens are absolutely unforgivable, and we resolutely condemn them.
Japan is determined to fight against terrorism, by continuously cooperating with the international community."