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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Receives a Request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and Others

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a letter of request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a request from the Governors of Aomori, Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures and others at the Prime Minister's Office.

The Prime Minister received the request and said in his address,

"Talking with people who are forced to live away from their hometowns, it was impressed upon me that continuous support is important, and that we must make it possible for these people to return to their ordinary life as early as possible."


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