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The Meeting of the Government and Ruling Parties Council on the Urgent Economic Countermeasures for the Revival of the Japanese Economy
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Government and Ruling Parties Council on the Urgent Economic Countermeasures for the Revival of the Japanese Economy 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Government and Ruling Parties Council on the Urgent Economic Countermeasures for the Revival of the Japanese Economy 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Government and Ruling Parties Council on the Urgent Economic Countermeasures for the Revival of the Japanese Economy 2
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the meeting of the Government and Ruling Parties Council on the Urgent Economic Countermeasures for the Revival of the Japanese Economy.
Discussion took place on the urgent economic countermeasures.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
"I express my gratitude to the Council for compiling the measures despite a very short period after the inauguration of the new administration, with a sense of mission that we must revive the Japanese economy.
The government is scheduling to decide the urgent economic countermeasures at the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization and the Cabinet meeting as soon as tomorrow, and to formulate the supplementary budget in a prompt manner.
We are willing to continuously unite the efforts of the government and the ruling parties to overcome the prolonged deflation and yen appreciation, to expand employment, and to increase the income of the people."