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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Attends the Inauguration Ceremony for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival

Monday, January 7, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival 2

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended a ceremony of raising a signboard for the General Secretariat for Japan's Economic Revival.

The Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revival is established as a "control tower" for economic revival, for all Cabinet members working as one, to overcome the prolonged deflation and yen appreciation as well as expand employment and income under the "three prongs" of bold monetary policy, flexible public finance policy, and a growth strategy that encourages private sector investment.

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