Visit to Mie Prefecture

July 31, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On July 31, 2024, Prime Minister Kishida visited Mie Prefecture.
Prime Minister Kishida visited a boring survey site to select the location of the station in Mie Prefecture of the Maglev Chuo Shinkansen in Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture and received a briefing on the progress of its implementation and consideration.
In the afternoon, the Prime Minister received a briefing on the overview of the VISON project and the sightseeing tour promotion program utilizing the VISON passport at VISON in Taki Town, Taki County, followed by a workshop experience of the My Number authentication of the VISON passport, among others. The Prime Minister then took a test ride of MiCa, a self-driving vehicle and purchased mirin (sweet sake for seasoning) and so forth with local currency VISON pay.
Afterwards, the Prime Minister received a briefing on the initiatives taken by a local advanced agricultural startup and then attended the ceremony for the declaration of the “Town of a Digital Garden City” by Mayor KUBO Yukio and others. At the end of the visit, he spoke to the press regarding his visit to Mie Prefecture and other matters.

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