The Tenth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10)

July 18, 2024
[Provisional Translation] 

On July 18, 2024, Prime Minister Kishida attended the Tenth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10) and working lunch, followed by a joint press occasion with Hon. Mr. Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands in Tokyo. 

During the opening session, Prime Minister Kishida said in his speech:  

“In opening the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM), I would like to reiterate my welcome to all participants who have arrived in Japan.  

I have looked forward to the Tenth PALM (PALM 10) as  an opportunity to look back on the path we have walked together, while also discussing the shared way forward. I believe that you also have high hopes about the human connections between Japan and the Pacific island countries (PICs) and regions, as well as their future, though various events leading up to today’s meeting. 

We have no time to waste in addressing urgent issues such as climate change. As we hold this commemorative Tenth PALM under such complicated regional circumstances, I would like to renew my determination to raise the relations between Japan and the PICs and regions to a higher level and follow the path together toward the future. 

Japan will build on the “kizuna” (bond) that we have nurtured over the years to address shared challenges, while also extending strong support for the regional integrity and the “2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent” of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) aimed at embodying it. 

It was based on this idea that we have designated the seven areas mentioned in the “2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent” as the priority cooperation areas over the next three years. 

Today, I look forward to meaningful discussions with Co-chair Mark BROWN, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, and my fellow leaders of the countries and regions represented.” 

During the closing session, Prime Minister Kishida said in his speech:  

“I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Japan’s dear friends, the Leaders from the Pacific island countries (PICs) and regions, for the fruitful discussions.  

Today, we have confirmed to designate seven priority areas of cooperation in PALM10, echoing those laid out  in the “2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent” of the PICs and region and that we will “stride forward together” to achieve our shared vision for the future. 

The Leaders Meeting will be followed by the announcement of the “Leaders’ Declaration” and “Joint Action Plan” agreed upon between Japan and the PIF members. I hope that the joint press conference will be an opportunity to present not only the achievements of PALM 10, but also why we have followed this path together, where we are headed towards together, as well as how we will do so together. 

Finally, I would like to reiterate my appreciation to the Co-chair, Prime Minister Brown, and leaders of the participating countries and regions for their great contribution in making the PALM 10 fruitful. 

Let me conclude my address closing PALM 10 by renewing my determination to further strengthen the kizuna (bond) between Japan and the PICs and region. Thank you very much.” 

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Archives (Archived entries for the 98th through 100th prime ministers)