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Official Residence Archives
Previous Cabinets (Since 1996)
Keizo Obuchi Keizo Obuchi Administration (The 84th SPrime Minister)

The Obuchi Cabinet (30 July 1998 - 5 April 2000)

Profile of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi

Speeches and Statements by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi
Report of the Prime Minister's Commission on Japan's Goals in the 21st Century
The Frontier Within: Individual Empowerment and Better Governance in the New Millennium
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to the 147th Session of the Diet (28 January 2000)
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to the 146th Session of the Diet (29 October 1999)
Overview of Action Plan
Key Points of the Action Plan (16 April 1999)
Strategies for Reviving the Japanese Economy (Report to Prime Minister Obuchi) (26 February 1999)
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to the 145th Session of the Diet(19 January 1999)
Statement by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi on the Temporary Nationalization of the Nippon Credit Bank, Limited (13 December 1998)
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to the 144th Session of the Diet
Outline of Emergency Economic Package
Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Obuchi
Basic Guidelines on the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Society (9 November 1998)
Appeal to the Coming Emergency Economic Package (6 November 1998) The Economic Strategy Council
TICAD II (Second Tokyo International Conference on African Development)
Statement by the Prime Minister Obuchi on the Temporary Nationalization of the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd. (23 October 1998)
Recommendations for Short-Term Economic Policies (14 October 1998)
The Economic Strategy Council of Japan
The Economic Strategy Council(September 1998)
Policy Speech by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to the 143rd Session of the Diet (7 August 1998)
Transcript of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi's Press Conference (31 July 1998)

What's up around the Prime Minister (Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in Action)
Quick overview of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi's actions on the state issues by brief explanations (1999)