Nuclear Safety Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet top page

Report of Japanese Government
to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety
- The Accident
at TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations -

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Contents of Summary
I. Introduction
II. Situation regarding Nuclear Safety Regulations and Other Regulatory Frameworks in Japan Before the Accident
 1. Legislative and regulatory framework for nuclear safety II-1
 2. Mechanism for nuclear emergency responses II-8
III. Disaster damage in Japan from the Tohoku District - Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake and Resulting Tunamis
 1. Damage by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan III- 1
 2. Damage caused by earthquake and tsunami hitting Fukushima NPSs III-28
 3. Seismic and tsunami damage to other NPSs III-47
 4. Assessment of earthquake and tsunami damage III-62
IV. Occurrence and Development of Accidents at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations
 1. Outline of Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations IV- 1
 2. Safety Assurance and Other Situations in Fukushima NPSs IV- 3
 3. Condition of the Fukushima NPSs before the earthquake IV-30
 4. Occurrence and progression of the accident at the Fukushima NPSs IV-33
 5. Situation of Each Unit etc. at Fukushima NPS IV-38
 6. Situation at Other Nuclear Power Stations IV-120
 7. Evaluation of accident consequences IV-124
V. Response to the nuclear emergency
 1. Emergency response after the accident occurred V- 1
 2. Implementation of environmental monitoring V-16
 3. Measures for agricultural food stuffs and drinking water, etc. V-30
 4. Measures for additional protected areas V-32
 5. Assessment of nuclear emergency response V-35
VI. Discharge of Radioactive Materials to the Environment
 1. Evaluation of the amount of radioactive materials discharged to the air VI-1
 2. Evaluation on the amount of radioactive materials discharged to the sea VI-4
VII. Situation regarding Radiation Exposure
 1. Situation of radiation exposure concerning radiationworkers and other related workersworkers VII-1
 2. Response to radiation exposure of residents in the vicinity and the overall situation VII-8
 3. Evaluation of the status of radiation exposure VII-10
VIII. Cooperation with the International Community
 1. Assistance from other countries VIII-1
 2. Cooperation with international organizations VIII-2
 3. Evaluation of cooperation with the international community VIII-3
IX. Communication regarding the Accident
 1. Communication with residents in the vicinity and the general public in Japan IX- 1
 2. Communication with international community IX- 7
 3. Provisional evaluations based on rating of International Nuclear Events Scale (INES) IX- 9
 4. Evaluation on communication regarding the accident IX-10
X. Further efforts to settle the accident in the future
XI. Response at other NPSs
XII. Lessons Learned from the Accident Thus Far
XIII. Conclusion
Attachment for Chapter II
Attachment IV-1
Attachment IV-2
Attachment IV-3
Attachment V-1
Attachment VI-1
Appendix VII-1
Attachment VIII-1
Attachment IX-1 to 9
Attachment X
Attachment XI-1
(Note) As of June 18, 2011, there are revisions in the Report.
Revisions in the Report of the Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety (June 18)

Latest Revisions in the Report of the Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety (As of August 2011)

Revisions of Attachment IX-4 (As of August 2011)