The Prime Minister Visits Advanced Recycling Facilities

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people working at recycling-related companies

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people working at recycling-related companies

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people working at recycling-related companies

Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people working at recycling-related companies

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister exchanging views with people working at recycling-related companies
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for bulk metal waste
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for home appliances, PCs, and mobile phones
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for food waste
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for construction waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for bulk metal waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for bulk metal waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for home appliances, PCs, and mobile phones

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for home appliances, PCs, and mobile phones

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for food waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for food waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for construction waste

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a recycling facility for construction waste

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visited Tokyo Super Eco Town, a site where waste disposal and recycling facilities are in operation, in Ota City, Tokyo. He observed four recycling facilities and engaged in an exchange of views, among other activities.

After the visit, Prime Minister Hatoyama said, "I learned that it was extremely important to establish a system for the regions themselves to recycle waste thoroughly. I felt very strongly the enthusiasm that people working hard at companies running recycling facilities in this region have. On its part, I would like to ensure that the government makes further efforts to create a system for nationwide recycling activities."


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