"Real Hato Cafe"
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Photograph of the Prime Minister having a conversation with the participants in the "Real Hato Cafe" meeting
Photograph of the Prime Minister having a conversation with the participants in the "Real Hato Cafe" meeting
Photograph of the Prime Minister taking a walk in the garden with the participants
Photograph of the Prime Minister taking a commemorative photograph with the participants
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama held a "Real Hato Cafe" meeting at the Prime Minister's Office.
"Real Hato Cafe" is a forum for dialogue, in which guests are invited to the Prime Minister's Office to talk with Prime Minister Hatoyama, who believes that it is always important to hear first-hand the people's voices and who wishes to take various opportunities to directly talk with the people. A total of ten people who are raising children were invited to the first "Real Hato Cafe" meeting to exchange views on child raising, among other matters.
"Real Hato Cafe" meetings will continue to be held under various themes.