The Prime Minister Visits Tochigi Prefecture
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a medical equipment manufacturer
Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a medical equipment manufacturer
Photograph of the Prime Minister picking a strawberry at JA Hagano Mashiko Tourism Strawberry Farm
Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the Fresh Produce Stand of JA Hagano Mashiko
Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting a nursery school
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visited Tochigi Prefecture.
The Prime Minister visited and observed the Mashiko Fresh Produce Stand of JA Hagano Mashiko Tourism Strawberry Farm and the Cooperative Marketing Center of Mashiko-style Pottery in Mashikomachi Town; Nakanishi, a medical equipment manufacturer in Kanuma City; and Sumiyoshidaini Nursery School and Daieikai Hiki Hospital in Utsunomiya City. In each site, the Prime Minister engaged in exchanges of views, among other activities.
After visiting these sites, Prime Minister Hatoyama said, "We must realize a politics that gives great emphasis to the people's voices, and I want to reflect them into politics. I wish to visit various places as much as time permits. I consider that it is extremely important that I visit each prefecture to hear first-hand the earnest voices of the people."