Unveiling Ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (1)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (1)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (1)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (1)

  • Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (1)
  • Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (2)
  • Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (3)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (2)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (2)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (3)

Photograph of the unveiling ceremony for Local Sovereignty Strategy Council (3)

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, together with Mr. Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Minister of State for Promotion of Local Sovereignty, attended the unveiling ceremony for the Local Sovereignty Strategy Council.

The Local Sovereignty Strategy Council was established under the Cabinet Office in order to consider and carry out measures related to reforms which will contribute to the establishment of local sovereignty, and also carry out measures based on the Decentralization Reform Committee's advice, from the perspective of the early establishment of local sovereignty, where decisions on regional matters are taken by the local residents.

Prime Minister Hatoyama said, "The establishment of the Council is the first step [in changing] the relationship between the national and regional governments, and transforming Japan into a country where the regions can truly exert their abilities to the fullest extent. By all means, we must transform into a new society, where the regional governments take as much initiative as possible in planning regional matters, procuring funds locally, and solving problems by themselves. In that sense, I want you to consider today as a major turning point for change. Give us your full expectations."

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