Consultations between the National and Regional Governments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting for consultations between the national and regional governments (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting for consultations between the national and regional governments (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting for consultations between the national and regional governments (2)
At the meeting, the participants exchanged views on important policy issues concerning the national and regional governments, including the legislation of consultations between the national and regional governments, the promotion of local sovereignty, and local taxation and fiscal policies.
At the start of the meeting, Prime Minister Hatoyama stated, "The new government seeks to fundamentally review the relationship between the national and regional governments. The national government must promote local sovereignty through a wide range of legislation. To this end, I would like to exchange frank views as we set upon overhauling the relationship between the national and regional governments and reconsidering the modalities of the regional governments. As a part of this effort, I am calling for the formal establishment of a forum where the national and regional governments can exchange views. Keeping in mind that together we are bringing about the dawn of a new era of Japanese politics, I would greatly appreciate your guidance."