The Prime Minister Receives a Courtesy Call from the Co-Chairs of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi

Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi

Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi

Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi

  • Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama received a courtesy call at the Prime Minister's Office from Mr. Gareth Evans and Ms. Yoriko Kawaguchi, Co-Chairs of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND).

The main objective of the ICNND -- which addresses the issues of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, as well as peaceful uses of nuclear energy -- is to issue, prior to the NPT Review Conference in May of 2010, a report with recommendations.

The ICNND is to meet four times before issuing its report. The fourth meeting will be held in Hiroshima from October 18 to 20.

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