Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Defense Program Guidelines
Friday, October 16, 2009
Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi
Photograph of Prime Minister Hatoyama receiving a courtesy call from Co-Chair Evans and Co-Chair Kawaguchi
During the meeting, the ministers deliberated on the procedures for reviewing the National Defense Program Guidelines, among other matters for discussion. Discussions also took place at a meeting of the government's ruling coalition leaders and at a meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Basic Policies. Accordingly, it was decided that an expert meeting would be established and that deliberations would be conducted with a reference to its opinion, based on the recognition that National Defense Program Guidelines constitute an important issue for the nation's security and that the new government must address the issue in an earnest manner. It was furthermore agreed that the government would continue its considerations of the review of the Guidelines, as well as the next Mid-Term Defense Program, so as to reach conclusions by the end of fiscal 2010.