Inauguration of the Hatoyama Cabinet
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Photograph of a press conference (1)
Photograph of a press conference (1)
Photograph of a ruling parties' leaders' meeting (1)
Photograph of a ruling parties' leaders' meeting (2)
Photograph of a press conference (2)
Photograph of the first Cabinet meeting (1)
Photograph of the first Cabinet meeting (2)
A commemorative photo session
Upon the formation of a new Cabinet, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama held a meeting with the leaders of the ruling parties. Mr. Hirofumi Hirano, the new Chief Cabinet Secretary, then announced the list of Cabinet members.
In the press conference that followed, Prime Minister Hatoyama expressed his determination, saying, "When I was elected Prime Minister by both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, I was deeply moved, trembling at the thought that Japanese history was in the making. At the same time I felt a great sense of responsibility at the privilege of serving at the forefront in transforming this country into one of popular sovereignty in the true sense of the word.
We will take to heart the various thoughts among the Japanese people, about changing politics, and why they want us to change politics. I intend to keep these thoughts firmly in mind as we depart, prepared as best possible, on a major voyage.
To make this possible . . . I should like you to participate in this administration. I should think it can be said that the degree to which the thoughts of the public can be solidly encapsulated into public policy depends upon the participation we have from the general public.
My idea is to meet the expectations of the public by having a [National Strategy] Office outline major roles to be played by the state as well as the guiding policies."
In the evening, Prime Minister Hatoyama attended the investiture of the Prime Minister and the attestation ceremony of the appointment of the Ministers of State at the Imperial Palace, which marked the official inauguration of the Hatoyama Cabinet.
Back at the Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister Hatoyama held the first Cabinet meeting and a photo session with his new Cabinet members.