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Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister

Press Conference by the Prime Minister on the Approval of the FY2021 Budget and Other Matters

March 26, 2021

[Provisional Translation]
(On the approval of the FY2021 budget)

The budget for the coming fiscal year was just approved. It is an extremely important budget for the citizens, containing items related to healthcare, pensions, childcare, and the response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). I believe this budget is the result of the solidarity of all members of the ruling parties, both the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved. Furthermore, I would like to thank not only the ruling parties but also the opposition parties.

Alongside the third supplementary budget for FY2020, we intend to execute this budget swiftly and steadily. As part of this budget, we will also take thorough measures to prevent a resurgence of infections. In addition, we will make substantial allocations in fields such as green, digital, regional revitalization, economic recovery, and regional vitality. Looking ahead, we also have important bills to address, including those for promoting digital transformation and healthcare reform, and we intend to respond thoroughly and with a sense of urgency at the Diet. I will end my opening statement here.  

 (On the upcoming national elections)

The LDP will firmly assert what needs to be asserted, while carefully reflecting on what needs to be reflected on, as we appeal to the local communities.

 (On the budget deliberations)

It is our role as the Government to answer the questions we are asked. In that sense, we have answered the questions on the issues related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, among other matters, carefully and to the best of our ability. This matter is now being examined by a third-party committee and we hope it will thoroughly clarify the facts so that we can take measures to prevent a recurrence.

 (On the bill to amend the Act on Procedures for Amendment of the Constitution of Japan)

I believe it will of course be a focus of debate. I would like to leave the Diet matters up to the Diet, but we will in any case respond thoroughly as necessary in the deliberations.

 (On politics and money)

The documents have been submitted to and taken by the investigation. Once they are returned, we will have a certified public accountant carefully audit them. As such, we will respond thoroughly.   

 (On dissolution of the House of Representatives and the general election)

I do not think it is the case that the event in question could happen at any time. I believe we must thoroughly carry out everything that needs to be done, including the measures against the COVID-19.

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