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The Prime Minister in Action
Press Conference by the Prime Minister
May 1, 2020
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
[Provisional Translation]
On May 1, 2020, the Prime Minister spoke to the press at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Regarding the recommendations of the Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control, the Prime Minister said,
“I have just received a report of the outcomes of the Expert Meeting. In the experts’ assessment, the extensive efforts made by the people under the state of emergency allow Japan to avoid an explosive spread of infections experienced in other countries, and are delivering a certain degree of results.
Meanwhile, the total number of patients has far exceeded 10,000 and medical institutions continue to face severe situations. Therefore, the experts were of the view that the continuing cooperation of the public is still needed for the time being.
Having received the report of the Expert Meeting, I instructed Minister Nishimura, just now, to swiftly coordinate with the relevant stakeholders regarding measures in response to epidemiological situations in respective areas, with a view to extending the current framework of the declaration of the status of emergency by approximately one month, while listening to the views of the experts. We intend to make a final decision on May 4, hearing the views of the experts after they thoroughly take into consideration the epidemiological situations in respective regions and latest data.
I am grateful for the extensive efforts made by the people to date. In asking for their further cooperation, I intend to hold a press conference and explain my decision to them directly.”