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The Prime Minister in Action

Press Conference on the Party Leaders’ Meeting

March 4, 2020

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
[Provisional Translation]
On March 4, 2020, the Prime Minister held a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Regarding the party leaders’ meeting, the Prime Minister said,
“Experts are of the view that we will be at a critical moment over the coming one to two weeks regarding whether the outbreak spreads rapidly or is controlled. Amidst such a situation, we have put in place various countermeasures, obtaining the cooperation of the public. While preparing for worst case scenarios, we have determined that we need to work on another layer of legal framework, including the declaration of a state of emergency. In order to ask for further cooperation, it is necessary to enact such a law as early as possible. In light of this, I have held a series of meetings with the leaders of the opposition parties to ask for cooperation towards that.
At these meetings, I received very constructive comments from each leader of the respective parties. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to them. We intend to address the situation, taking into consideration these comments. I also received very generous comments that they will thoroughly cooperate with the Government on its responses to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
In light of this national crisis, there is no distinction between the ruling parties and the opposition parties. We must overcome this crisis together. The Government intends to continue asking candidly for the cooperation of the opposition parties, whenever it is necessary to do so.
In that regard, I intend for the Government to work on an amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response, as early as possible, obtaining the cooperation of the opposition parties. While we are facing a very severe situation, I would like to overcome it working together with the ruling parties as well as the opposition parties.
While listening closely to the voices of the people—I assume that there are various issues—the Government will exert every effort to address these issues under its responsibility.”

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