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Home >  News >  The Prime Minister in Action >  January 2020 >  Press Conference on Measures for Japanese Nationals Living in Wuhan, China, Related to the Novel Coronavirus

The Prime Minister in Action

Press Conference on Measures for Japanese Nationals Living in Wuhan, China, Related to the Novel Coronavirus

January 26, 2020

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
[Provisional Translation]
On January 26, 2020, the Prime Minister held a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence.
Regarding measures for Japanese nationals living in Wuhan, China, related to the novel coronavirus, the Prime Minister said,
“Regarding the novel coronavirus, as the lockdown of Wuhan city is in progress, we have been examining, over the weekend, specific means to realize the return of Japanese residents in the city while asking their opinions.
As we now have prospects for chartering flights and other means, we will facilitate the return of all those who wish to come back to Japan by all possible means, as soon as coordination with the Chinese Government is completed.
Coordination with the Chinese Government is underway at various levels. We will accelerate this process in order to realize their return.”

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