Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > October 2019 > Second Meeting of the Emergency Response Headquarters for Typhoon No. 19 of 2019
The Prime Minister in Action
Second Meeting of the Emergency Response Headquarters for Typhoon No. 19 of 2019
October 14, 2019
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (2)
[Provisional Translation]
On October 14, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the second meeting of the Emergency Response Headquarters for Typhoon No. 19* of 2019 at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“In the disaster-affected areas, the situation remains unpredictable, such that we still need to remain vigilant in case of landslides and flooding of rivers, which I expect causes anxiety among those who are affected by the disaster. I ask everyone to pay close attention to their feelings and continue to exert every effort for recovery works.
As many people still remain missing in the disaster-affected areas, front-line personnel are working day and night, exerting every effort for search and rescue activities. Concerning the flooding of rivers, we intend to exert every effort to fully recover from inundation by expanding our fleet of drainage pump vehicles to 200 through dispatch from throughout the country, along with continuing identifying locations that have been flooded.
Typhoon No. 19* caused extremely widespread damage and over 30,000 people have been evacuated from their homes even now. Providing attentive support for those affected by this disaster is an urgent issue. There are also concerns that the impact on people’s lives and economic activities may last over a longer term. For that reason, I am instructing the establishment of a cross-ministerial Team to Support the Daily Lives of Disaster Victims, to enable the Government to provide more attentive, rapid, and strong support for the lives of the people affected by this disaster. We intend to identify in advance the needs in the areas with this team, such as early restoration of power and water, identifying the needs to those affected, the necessity of push-mode support, including water, food, and cardboard beds, the improvement of living conditions in evacuation centers, the dispatch of government officials to local governments affected by the disaster, and the provision of housings, and will offer push-mode support with the Government working as one.
I ask you to continue to put in place all necessary measures ahead of time, collaborating closely with local governments in the affected areas and being mindful of those affected.”
*Typhoon Hagibis