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The Prime Minister in Action
Headquarters for Ocean Policy
June 18, 2019
Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving the proposal
Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving the proposal
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (2)
[Provisional Translation]
On June 18, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the 18th meeting of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, a discussion was held about the recommendations proposed by the Councilors’ Meeting of the Headquarters for Ocean Policy.
After receiving the proposal, the Prime Minister said, based on the discussion,
“Today, Chairman Tanaka of the Councilors’ Meeting proposed a candid recommendation on ocean policy.
Firstly, from the perspective of comprehensive maritime security, we need to strengthen efforts to visualize maritime domains. The operation of a new Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) system has just commenced in April. Going forward, I ask the Cabinet Office and the relevant ministries to develop systems that strengthen our MDA capabilities and to identify situations related to remote islands nearby borders.
The importance of the Arctic as the next frontier is also growing further. Four years ago, we compiled Japan’s first Arctic Policy. I ask you to accelerate research and development efforts further, including the use of arctic research vessels, in order to advance the utilization of the Arctic Sea.
Moreover, our response to the issue of marine plastic litter is one of the most important themes of this year’s G20 Osaka Summit. I would like the relevant ministries to implement effective measures swiftly, so that Japan can firmly lead the world in this endeavor.
Based on the recommendations proposed by the Councilors’ Meeting today, I ask Minister of State for Ocean Policy Miyakoshi and other relevant ministers, collaborating with one another, to review the progress schedules for the implementation of the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy.”