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The Prime Minister in Action

Press Conference by the Prime Minister (on His Tenure)

June 6, 2019

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
[Provisional Translation]
On June 6, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office.
With regard to hitting the milestone of the third longest tenure as Prime Minister, the Prime Minister said,
“Building on various experiences from my first administration, I have been able to come this far, thanks to the strong support received from the people of Japan in five national elections during my second administration.
I would like to thank the people once again. I intend to fulfill my responsibility by steadily taking forward each and every policy we promised to the people.”

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