Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > March 2019 > Ministerial Council on Acceptance and Inclusion of Foreign Human Resources
The Prime Minister in Action
Ministerial Council on Acceptance and Inclusion of Foreign Human Resources
March 29, 2019
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement (2)
[Provisional Translation]
On March 29, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the fourth meeting of the Ministerial Council on Acceptance and Inclusion of Foreign Human Resources at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, a discussion was held on the state of preparations for the implementation of a specified skilled worker system, and of comprehensive measures for the acceptance and inclusion of foreign human resources.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“From April 1, the new system to accept foreign human resources will be finally started. This new system is to respond to the serious shortage of human resources in Japan right now, by accepting foreign human resources. We have made thorough preparations to introduce this system, such as holding briefing sessions in every prefecture, since the passage of the relevant bill at the recent extraordinary session of the Diet. I ask the relevant ministries and agencies to continue to collaborate closely with each other to ensure the smooth implementation of the new system.
At the same time, regarding foreign nationals, the disappearance of technical interns and missing university exchange students have become an issue. In order to alleviate the concerns of the public, we must not only ensure the proper operation of the Technical Intern Training Program, which is a matter of course, but also prevent inappropriate cases by thoroughly managing the status of residence, and handle cases of illegal employment and illegal residence in a strict manner, centered on the soon-to-be-established Immigration Services Agency. I ask all of you to make thorough efforts to materialize an inclusive society in which both Japanese nationals and foreign nationals enjoy mutual respect such that foreign nationals feel that they want to live in Japan, in particular outside major cities.”
On March 29, 2019, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the fourth meeting of the Ministerial Council on Acceptance and Inclusion of Foreign Human Resources at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, a discussion was held on the state of preparations for the implementation of a specified skilled worker system, and of comprehensive measures for the acceptance and inclusion of foreign human resources.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“From April 1, the new system to accept foreign human resources will be finally started. This new system is to respond to the serious shortage of human resources in Japan right now, by accepting foreign human resources. We have made thorough preparations to introduce this system, such as holding briefing sessions in every prefecture, since the passage of the relevant bill at the recent extraordinary session of the Diet. I ask the relevant ministries and agencies to continue to collaborate closely with each other to ensure the smooth implementation of the new system.
At the same time, regarding foreign nationals, the disappearance of technical interns and missing university exchange students have become an issue. In order to alleviate the concerns of the public, we must not only ensure the proper operation of the Technical Intern Training Program, which is a matter of course, but also prevent inappropriate cases by thoroughly managing the status of residence, and handle cases of illegal employment and illegal residence in a strict manner, centered on the soon-to-be-established Immigration Services Agency. I ask all of you to make thorough efforts to materialize an inclusive society in which both Japanese nationals and foreign nationals enjoy mutual respect such that foreign nationals feel that they want to live in Japan, in particular outside major cities.”