Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > December 2018 > Joint Meeting of the Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (IT Strategic Headquarters) and the Strategic Council for the Promotion of the Use of Public Data by the Private Sector
The Prime Minister in Action
Joint Meeting of the Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (IT Strategic Headquarters) and the Strategic Council for the Promotion of the Use of Public Data by the Private Sector
December 19, 2018
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement
Photograph of the Prime Minister making a statement
[Provisional Translation]
On December 19, 2018, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe jointly held the 75th meeting of the Strategic Headquarters for the Promotion of an Advanced Information and Telecommunications Network Society (IT Strategic Headquarters), and the 6th meeting of the Strategic Council for the Promotion of the Use of Public Data by the Private Sector, at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the Direction of a New IT Policy for the Digital Era.
Based on the exchange of views, the Prime Minister said,
“The Direction of a New IT Policy, which was approved today, will serve as a compass for guiding Japan in a digital era where changes happen at whirlwind speed in response to the progress in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I would like to ask each minister to immediately work on laying down concrete policies in accordance with this direction approved today.
Fierce competition is currently unfolding around the world over data, a new resource in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. Meanwhile, in order to generate innovations by utilizing data, we need to create an environment where data can flow freely under highly transparent, fair, and mutually beneficial rules on security and privacy.
Therefore, I would like to ask you, with Minister Seko taking the lead, to promote international cooperation to create a free and open global data flow zone under Japan’s leadership, while ensuring appropriate protection of personal information and critical industry data.
As its premise, I ask relevant ministers to immediately begin work on strengthening our system and developing the necessary domestic laws and ordinances, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
There is a pressing need to digitalize the public and private sectors in Japan. Please firmly promote various efforts, with the public and private sectors working closely together, such as human resources development in the era of AI and the reforms of outdated systems.
With regard to these policies, I ask that each minister, under the leadership of Minister Hirai, compile new IT policy principles for the Society 5.0 era and swiftly implement them.”