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The Prime Minister in Action

Visit to Uruguay

December 2, 2018

Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of Uruguay

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square
  • Photograph of the salute and the guard of honor ceremony
  • Photograph of the joint press announcement
  • Photograph of the joint press announcement
  • Photograph of the joint press announcement
  • Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister arriving in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister speaking with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering flowers at Independence Square

Photograph of the salute and the guard of honor ceremony

Photograph of the salute and the guard of honor ceremony

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

Photograph of the joint press announcement

[Provisional Translation]
On December 2, 2018 (local time), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Montevideo in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
The Prime Minister met with Japanese-Uruguayans and Japanese nationals living in Uruguay. Prime Minister Abe then visited Independence Square where he offered flowers. Afterwards, the Prime Minister attended a salute and guard of honor ceremony, before holding a meeting with H.E. Dr. Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosas, President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, and a joint press announcement.

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