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The Prime Minister in Action
Press Conference on the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting
May 25, 2018
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding the press conference
[Provisional Translation]
On May 25, 2018 (local time), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a press conference regarding the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting in St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation.
The Prime Minister said the following with regard to the U.S.-North Korea Summit Meeting,
“Regarding the North Korea issue, I have been coordinating closely with President Trump (of the United States) during the preparations for the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting, and President Trump and I have been in complete agreement regarding plans for and views of that meeting.
Against that backdrop, while it is unfortunate that the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting is not taking place this time, I respect and support the decision by President Trump.
The important point is that a summit meeting must serve as an opportunity to make substantial progress on the nuclear and missile issues, as well as the abduction issue, which is the most important issue of all.
Going forward, we intend to engage in firm coordination between Japan-U.S. and among Japan-U.S.-Republic of Korea, as well as with Russia, China, and other relevant members of the international community, and we will make our utmost efforts to resolve the various outstanding issues of concern with North Korea.”
In addition, in response to questions from the press on actions by Japan, the Prime Minister said,
“First of all, after returning to Japan, while I need to pay attention to the Diet session and other commitments next week, I wish to find a mutually convenient time in order to hold summit telephone talks with President Trump as soon as possible. Naturally, our National Security Councils and our diplomatic authorities are working in close coordination with one another. I would also like to speak with the President in depth about our future responses.
A Japan-Russia summit meeting is also scheduled for tomorrow. In the wake of the cancellation (of the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting), I also intend to talk with President Putin at length about our future responses.
In any case, it is important for the international community to closely coordinate its efforts. The international community needs to work in unity towards the resolution of the nuclear and missile issues as well as the abduction issue, which is the most important issue for Japan. Japan will also work hard to achieve these ends.”