Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > April 2017 > Meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense of the House of Councillors
The Prime Minister in Action
Meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense of the House of Councillors
April 13, 2017
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended a meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense of the House of Councillors. During the meeting, there was a question and answer session in regard to the "Request for approval of the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Reciprocal Provision of Logistic Support, Supplies, and Services between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Armed Forces of the United States of America ," the "Request for approval of the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Australia Concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Australian Defense Force ," and the "Request for approval of the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Concerning Reciprocal Provision of Supplies and Services between the Self-Defense Forces of Japan and the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ."