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The Prime Minister in Action
Council for Science, Technology and Innovation
March 28, 2016
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the 16th meeting of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation at the Prime Minister’s Office.
During the meeting, discussion was held regarding the promotion of the Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan. With regard to recent science and technology trends, there was a briefing on the Tough Robotics Challenge (TRC) project under the Impulse Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT).
Based on the discussion in the meeting, the Prime Minister said,
“On this occasion, I have requested that Mr. Tokura and Mr. Ueyama join us as new experts, and that Ms. Kotani continue in her role. Under this new line up, this Council will continue to strongly promote science, technology, and innovation policy, and I ask that all of you make special efforts to that end.
The ‘Cyborg K-9 ’ program that we saw today is a rare initiative in the world that brings together animals, machines, and IT. By combining the sense of smell and physical capabilities of rescue dogs with measurement, recording, analysis, and information communication functions, it is possible to achieve fast and effective rescue services. I have high hopes that such research and development, based on unique ideas, will give rise to new kinds of innovation in society.
FY2016 will be the first fiscal year of the Fifth Science and Technology Basic Plan. We will boldly execute policies toward the realization of Japan as the ‘country that is best suited for innovation in the world .’
In line with the direction outlined in the Basic Plan, we will specify the policies that should be emphasized, including initiatives for the realization of a super-smart society that will dramatically widen the scope of automation as Society 5.0 . We will also reflect those policies in budgets and regulatory reforms. I would like to compile the Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation 2016 by mid-May, and request everyone’s assistance to that end.”