Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > January 2016 > Headquarters on Creating Dynamism through Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and Local Communities
The Prime Minister in Action
Headquarters on Creating Dynamism through Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and Local Communities
January 22, 2016
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the 18th meeting of the Headquarters on Creating Dynamism through Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and Local Communities at the Prime Minister's Office.
During the meeting, discussion took place on “How to proceed with discussions about items subject to continued consideration (in the agriculture, forestry and fishery fields) in the Comprehensive TPP-related Policy Framework.”
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“Export promotion is the utmost priority of the new era of agricultural policies. The TPP is an excellent opportunity to sell the delicious and safe agricultural products of Japan to the rest of the world.
Since the inauguration of the Second Abe Cabinet, we have steadily increased exports of Japanese agricultural, forestry and fishery products, and food products, to the extent that we are now exporting more than ever before. We will continue to accelerate this trend and achieve the goal of expanding the value of exports to 1 trillion yen by 2020 as quickly as possible. Furthermore, we shall treat that as simply one milestone in our journey as we seek to expand exports even further. I would like the Export Strengthening Working Group to hold intensive discussions on concrete strategy to that end.
In addition, I would also like to proceed with discussions on policies to strengthen the foundation of the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries, including revising the pricing systems for production materials as well as the structures of the distribution and processing industries, under the division of roles approved today and in close collaboration with the ruling parties, toward an interim compilation in June.
We will turn the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries into growth industries. We will make them into the kind of fields in which young people aspire to work and can pioneer new horizons with their own passions. There has been no change to the Abe Cabinet’s resolve. I ask for each of the relevant Cabinet members to continue to make even greater efforts.”