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Meeting of the Council for Combating Childhood Poverty
Friday, April 4, 2014
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the first meeting of the Council for Combating Childhood Poverty at the Prime Minister’s Office.
During the meeting, discussions took place on "guidelines for preparing a draft framework for promoting comprehensive ways to combat childhood poverty."
The Prime Minister said in his opening address,
"It is extremely important to have measures in place for combating childhood poverty that create the necessary environment and provide equal educational opportunities. These are needed to ensure that children’s futures are not determined by where they are born and to prevent poverty from persisting across several generations.
Starting this fiscal year, the Government has introduced a benefit program for high school students and other children that provides scholarships that do not need to be repaid.
The Government is also carrying out counseling support and job assistance for single parent households and families in need, while also providing learning assistance for children. We will need to continue to further reinforce these measures.
With the goal of compiling a summary framework by the middle of the year, it is my hope that relevant Cabinet members will work as one to implement measures to eliminate childhood poverty and realize a society where all children can grow up with dreams and aspirations."