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Year-end Economist's Party
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the Year-end Economist's Party held in Tokyo.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"I strongly get the sense that everyone gathered here today has a desire to raise wages next year. I absolutely hope to see a positive cycle of the economy take hold.
Because there are so many economists gathered here today, I want to announce that today, before this party, we made a cabinet decision for next year's economic measures. 5.5 trillion yen - that is the amount of national expenditure we will invest into the economic measures. All of that is being invested for the future, toward the thorough creation of a positive cycle of the economy.
Furthermore, as was said previously, everyone will invest more and more, thus raising wages as well, and under such conditions, Japan will truly enter into a positive cycle.
As for the atmosphere of today's party - it is my hope that at the time of our gathering next year, the smiles I see today on everyone's faces will be even broader."