Expert Panel toward Improving Response Capabilities in the Field of Cybersecurity

June 7, 2024

[Provisional translation]


On June 7, 2024, Prime Minister Kishida attended the first meeting of the Expert Panel toward Improving Response Capabilities in the Field of Cybersecurity at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, the participants engaged in discussions on the Expert Panel toward Improving Response Capabilities in the Field of Cybersecurity.
Prime Minister Kishida said in his opening statement:
“Thank you very much for gathering for the Expert Panel toward Improving Response Capabilities in the Field of Cybersecurity today. Given the current security landscape, enhancing Japan’s cyber response capabilities is an increasingly pressing issue. As such, the National Security Strategy aims to strengthen the response capabilities in the field of cybersecurity equal to or surpassing the level of leading Western countries and states that Japan will introduce active cyber defense as a pillar.
Under the leadership of Minister Kono, this panel is comprised of 17 experts from a wide range of areas and intended to discuss how to achieve enhanced capabilities in the field of cybersecurity, including the realization of active cyber defense. I ask the experts to share your insights, hold candid discussions, and report the outcome.
I request Minister Kono to take the outcome of this panel into account to formulate related bills as early as possible, while working with the relevant ministers. I also ask for the cooperation of the experts in order to ensure Japan’s security from cyberspace as well.”


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