Japan-EU Exchange of Views on Corporate Collaboration on Hydrogen

June 3, 2024

[Provisional translation]


On June 3, 2024, Prime Minister Kishida held a Japan-EU (European Union) exchange of views on corporate collaboration on hydrogen at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Based on the discussions, Prime Minister Kishida said:
“Thank you very much for coming all the way to the Prime Minister’s Office today. I was informed by the Japanese and EU leaders in the field of hydrogen about specific businesses and realized steady progress had been made.
My administration advocates green transformation (GX) and has given concrete shape to one policy after another, issuing GX Economic Transition Bonds worth 20 trillion yen and establishing the Hydrogen Society Promotion Act last month. Against this backdrop, active investments in the hydrogen field have been made in Japan, and I am strongly encouraged by those present here today alone expressing their intention to make hydrogen investments and provide finance in Japan going forward, which amount to four trillion yen.
European Commissioner Simson and Minister Saito reported the advancement of specific cooperative projects, such as the creation of a business matching platform in the hydrogen field, support for joint Japan-EU efforts to build hydrogen supply chains, the promotion of a so-called hydrogen bank concept, and the harmonization of standards.
There was also a report about the development of a new policy coordination framework between Japan and the EU to address such issues as overdependence on certain countries for solar and other clean energy technologies as well as to build resilience of clean energy supply chains.
Japan intends to join hands with the EU and other like-minded partners as well as willing companies gathered here, so that we can build transparent and resilient supply chains to lead the world’s clean energy market.”


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Archives (Archived entries for the 98th through 100th prime ministers)