Courtesy Call from the “Ship for World Youth Leaders Program” Participants

February 20, 2024

[Provisional translation]


On February 20, 2024, Prime Minister Kishida received a courtesy call from “Ship for World Youth Leaders Program” participants at the Prime Minister’s Office.
Prime Minister Kishida said in his address:
“I am KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan. I would like to offer my heartfelt welcome to all of you who are visiting Japan as representatives of your countries to participate in the Ship for World Youth Leaders Program.
The Ship for World Youth Leaders Program, joined by young people with various backgrounds, aims to foster youth who can demonstrate their leadership and make social contributions in each increasingly globalized and diversified area, while enhancing their cross-cultural and communication capabilities through discussions. Many young people have participated in the Program thus far, and they are active in a variety of fields throughout the world, building on this experience.
I am aware that, while staying together for about a month on a ship, which is a special environment, you have had continued interactions, such as by visiting many places around Japan, deepening exchanges with local young people through interactions and cultural experiences, enjoying local attractions, and racking your brain together in heated discussions on different challenges facing local communities.
I am certain that you have learned much from spending time together and exchanging views with your peers who have different historical and cultural backgrounds and values. I believe that such experiences will be irreplaceable assets when you play an active role as leaders in the future in your respective countries and regions.
I sincerely hope that you will draw on your experiences in this program to play a significant part in serving as a bridge between Japan and your respective countries as well as between participating countries. Let me conclude my remarks by wishing each and every one of you a bright future.”


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Archives (Archived entries for the 98th through 100th prime ministers)