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Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary

October 31, 2016 (PM)

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Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary (Excerpt)

[Provisional Translation]


REPORTER: I have a question about the meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) held last Friday. Was the subject of South Sudan discussed in the meeting?

CHIEF CABINET SECRETARY SUGA: On Friday last week, October 28, a Meeting among Four Ministers of the National Security Council was held and discussions on the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) took place.

REPORTER: I have a related question. There are press reports to suggest that a Cabinet decision will be made as early as November 11 concerning the assignment of new duties to Self-Defense Force (SDF) units in South Sudan, including “kaketsuke-keigo” (coming to the aid of geographically distant units or personnel under attack). Could you tell us the current status of considerations and whether the Government is of the opinion that an environment is now in place to enable the assignment of new duties?

CHIEF CABINET SECRETARY SUGA: Currently, 62 countries from various regions around the world have dispatched units to participate in UNMISS, all of which are working together in South Sudan. Even after the military clash in July, no country has withdrawn its units from the country. On the contrary, the United Nations has decided to increase the number of personnel dispatched to South Sudan, creating a new force of 4,000 personnel. The international community is therefore currently enhancing its measures in the country. With regard to whether or not to assign new duties to SDF units in South Sudan, this is something about which the Government will make a comprehensive decision, after closely examining various matters, including the situation on the ground and the readiness of units. Nothing has been determined yet, including the timing of such a decision.

REPORTER: I have a question concerning North Korea relations. According to some press reports, representatives of diplomatic authorities from Japan and North Korea met in China from October 8 to 10. Could you tell us the facts behind these reports?

CHIEF CABINET SECRETARY SUGA: There is no truth to the reports that you mentioned.


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