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Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

The Fifth Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council

1.The Fifth Meeting of the Overseas Economic Cooperation Council was held on December 5, from 8:00 to 8:30.
2.Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry attended the meeting and discussed the question of economic cooperation with India.
3.In view of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Japan scheduled for mid-December, it was agreed that Japan would designate India as one of the top-priority countries in terms of Japan's overseas economic cooperation, mindful of the importance of strengthening the strategic partnership with India on the basis of shared fundamental values. In this context, a number of basic policy frameworks of economic cooperation with India were confirmed.
4.With a view to further accelerating economic exchange, the importance of comprehensive use of yen loan, technical assistance, and JBIC's international financial operations was confirmed in order to overcome the problem of under-developed infrastructures and other constraints to greater economic activity.
5.It was also agreed that Japan will work together with India to address India's domestic energy issues including energy conservation and power generation along with environmental and social-development issues. Japan will also actively promote popular exchanges with India as well as interchange in the field of science and technology.